Monday, July 9, 2012

All is going according to plan.

Now that the combination locks have been introduced, I have been under less pressure to cycle back to the house to make meeting with the CouchSurfer who has requested the bike. The system is becoming a bit more streamlined from a logistical point of view.
Zum Beispiel: Take today, three bike collections but a very personally a busy day. Previously, this would have caused:
a) me ; stress, to be back in time for every pick up
b) me ; more stress, as I waited for people to show up - ongoing problem of punctuality in these pick-ups
c) possibly fewer bikesurfed days; if I was unable to co-ordinate a mutually suitable time for pick-up
d) the Couchsurfer ; inconvenience having to show up at a certain time

Did not have to be here for any pick-ups, just let them know where the bikes would be, the combination on the locks and what the bikes looked like and BINGO! all collected when I returned home this evening.

Also got the promise of two more bikes joining the system in the coming weeks.... always helps when I get this type of tangible encouragement :-)



  1. Was fuer ein Zufall ich habe das selbe Webdesign:-)

    Und die Idee ist auch sehr cool und gastfreundlich.

    Hoffe einmal mit eins deinem Fahrraeder durch Berlin zu fahren wenn ich das naechste mal hinkomme.

    Schoene Gruesse aus Baku


    1. Danke schoen fuer deine schoene Kommentar!

      Du kannst ein BikeSurf Formular ausfullen wenn du unser tolles Fahrrad ausliehen moechtest! Ganz einfach :-)

      Ciao, BSB


We have moved to a new website

Hold onto your hats, folks, its time we got our own brand new website. Please update your bookmarks or how you link with us to: