If you wish to contribute to the running costs of this project please use the following link CLICK HERE
To see how many people have used our service to date and how much BikeSurfBerlin has potentially saved its users to date, please CLICK HERE.

If you have any questions or would like to know more details about our financial status, our documents are free and open. Please let us know what you would like to see.
We spent a total of 610€ last year to support the organization. Here is what we spent it on:
This year we would like to have all of our bikes up and running, well-oiled, secure and safe.
If possible it would be great to increase our network and have more bikes as well, our goal this year is to be able to have 30 bikes surfed at one time.
Currently we have a positive balance but only because of self-donations, which are not sustainable because we do not earn money from BikeSurfing. Our goal is to have a positive balance to be able to properly maintain our bikes and the system, but not to pay exorbitantly out-of-pocket.
Feel free to contact us if you have any ideas for business collaboration!