(An average daily Foodsharing pick from one of our members)
As part of our mission to save the world by reducing gas emissions and consuming less, we've come accross an amazing German platform that does many of the things we love: Foodsharing. It is a combination of two networks, one for users to share online their leftovers or products nearing the expiration date and another to organize the collection of food from supermarkets, bakeries and restaurants that agreed to redistribute their "waste". So far more than a thousand savers volunteer in Berlin alone, rescuing tons of perfectly edible food and either consuming it themselves or sharing it with other users or homeless centers. In order to participate, just fill the questionnaire on their website, wait for the local ambassador to contact you and give you three trials to test your reliability. After that you'll receive a card that'll allow you to go on your own to save food all over the city. Or you can just register and go pick/leave food at several open fridges around the cities or at neighboring savers' places.
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